Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Nursing A Broken Heart

Hello Readers

Sorry for my absence over the last few days but Eldest son moved out on Friday night and I have been nursing a broken heart ever since. He has gone to live with his Dad (a 2 hour drive away) until his supported living accommodation is sorted out for him. Although he is almost 19 and I know this is the right decision for him as well as my younger 2 boys I can't help but feel sad that he is no longer here with me. I have been a single mother for 13 years now and raised him single handed (he would only see his Dad 1 night every 6 weeks and had very little other contact with him). I have also been his sole carer for 18 and 1/2 years (he is autistic). The fact that he is so far away does not sit well with me either as it's not like I can just jump on a bus and go see him and I don't drive. I have a lot of anger right now as to how our situation has been handled by so called professionals. Eldest son would have been in his own home locally had certain people done their job correctly and within the specified time frame and then he would not be so far away and I could see him several times a week. As it is a family has been torn apart and put under considerable stress due to one man's incompetence. Both eldest son's father and I will be putting in a strong complaint once he is in his supported living but feel to do so now would just delay the process of getting him into his supported living home. I am angry readers and my heart aches for my son who I have never spent more than a few days away from. Things are going to be so strange here without him. It also means another drop in money (quite a big one) as I will no longer be receiving his contribution towards the household bills, food, and keep etc. Right now though I am more concerned about the pain I am feeling now he is not here, than any lack of money this situation has caused. We will get by we always do, it just means tightening those purse strings even further. So if I am a little quiet over the next few days you know why, but I promise I will be back to blogging daily before you know it and with the tightening of these purse strings I will have a lot more frugal posts to write lol.

Until Next Time
Much Love
Maria xxx


  1. I am sorry to hear how tough things are for you. I really hope every thing gets sorted and your Son is able to move closer to you.
    Take care x

  2. I hope you are okay and your son's move into his supported living nearer you is a quick one.
    Sending big hugs xxxxx
