Thursday, 24 November 2016

A Sterling Report And Preparing For Xmas

Hello Readers

How are we all diddling ? I will be doing a post at some point over the weekend sharing all my tips and tricks on how I do Xmas on a budget. I have lost a lot of income this past year, and whilst I have always been pretty frugal at Xmas anyway, I have really had to scale back this year.

Anyway on to today :)

Usual morning routine. Boys up, ready, and off to school. A bit of housework before picking youngest son up from school. The head teacher was taking youngest son's class today and he took a few minutes to come out and tell me that it was a pleasure teaching him today. He was extremely well behaved and did everything asked of him. He praised youngest son directly and gave him a big thumbs up which made youngest son really happy. After collecting little man I went to work for a few hours. My friend lets me take youngest son with me when I clean for her. He sits and plays on his tablet quietly while I get on with my work. Its only 2 hours but its an extra £14 added to this weeks budget and it all helps. After I finished work I had to attend a progress meeting at middle sons school. He is excelling at English, maths, and geography, got the highest grade in his class on his p.e exam, is on target in most of his lessons, but needs to improve in food, dance. and drama (his least favorite subjects lol). I left there a very proud mummy and he was treated to a chocolate bar when we got home :)

This evening I have tidied up, done some washing, seen to the animals, done dinner, done the washing up, and got everyone bathed and ready for bed. I also managed to finish off my Xmas cards and the ones that need sending have been addressed and stamped ready to post on the 7th December. I also managed to finish decluttering downstairs. The house is now completely free from clutter and reorganized and it has made a huge difference. I have one lot of items to take to the charity shop and have sold another craft bundle for £8 so I made £28 in total from my house declutter which will go in the Xmas savings envelope. I have a quiet weekend coming up as eldest and middle son will be at their dad's and youngest son will be at respite. I will be using this time to do a bit of Xmas shopping, wrap some presents, and have a major sort out of all our clothes. Any brand name clothing will be sold, any non brand name clothing that is in good condition will be taken to the charity shop, any clothes I would like to keep but are broken will go on the mending pile, and any clothes that are beyond repair will be turned into rags and put in my work bag. You might remember I set myself 3 manageable goals to complete.....

Week 1 Declutter upstairs
Week 2 Declutter downstairs
Week 3 Sort through clothing

I will have completed all of these a week ahead of schedule which is fab and I am very pleased with myself. My next goal will be to get the mending pile sorted next week and keep on top of present wrapping. I am on schedule to have Xmas all done and dusted by mid December which is not bad when you have 31 people to buy for lol.

Anyway Readers I am off to my bed for a well earned sleep. Are you all ready for Xmas ?

Until Next Time
Much Love
Maria xxx

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