Thursday, 3 November 2016

Food Banks And A Birthday

Hello Readers

Sorry no post last night. I helped the boys with their paper round as its a new route they have taken on and I wanted to make sure they knew exactly where they were going and ensure every house on the list got their paper. It was cold in fact scrap that it was bloody freezing. By the time we got in youngest son was crying where he was so cold and I could no longer feel my toes. All we wanted to do last night was curl up in bed with a hot chocolate and have an early night. I even resorted to putting the little electric fireplace on in my room for an hour. It must have been cold as I ended up with all 3 boys and all 3 fur babies snuggled up in bed trying to get warm with the heat from the fireplace.

This morning the cold has not left me. I don't usually feel the cold living in the house that we do but 1 and a half hours out in the cold last night has left me feeling it. It has got right down into my bones and is refusing to shift. I babysat for my friend for a few hours this afternoon and despite her having the central heating on and the electric fire place (specifically for me) I still had to keep my coat on and was still cold. This is so unlike me. I hope I warm up soon and get back to my normal self.

After I finished babysitting we popped to Morrison's for our #30DayFestiveFoodBank item plus I needed dog food and a birthday card. I spent £3.07 all needs no wants. So far for the food bank we have

Youngest son was asking lots of questions about the food bank challenge, what they do, who they help etc. We had a thoroughly good chat about it and he has decided that 1 item a day is not enough lol. As a result of our conversation he has decided that he wants to use half of his chore money each week through November and buy some donations himself. His 9 years old Readers , he is autistic, he has ADHD, and suffers from absence seizures yet despite the crap lot life has given him he is one of the kindest, sweetest, caring boys I have ever met in my life and I have the privilege of calling him my son. I explained that it would mean he had no money for comics and stickers for the month and his response was "Mum its more important for someone to eat than me to have comics". When we got to the till he proudly told the checkout lady what items were for the food bank challenge and all about the challenge itself. Hopefully hearing this little boy talk so passionately about helping others has inspired her to grab a few extra items next time she goes shopping and drop them into the local food bank.

By the time we got home I had a raging migraine and had to take some medication and lay down in a dark room. 3 hours later the pain had subsided and I was able to get up, see to the animals, get the uniforms laundered for tomorrow, tidy the house, get dinner done, and make a birthday cake for one of my little peeps whose birthday it is tomorrow. For tea we had thick cheesy omelettes served with a side of coleslaw.....

2 pots of coleslaw (Tesco value) 50p
12 Free range eggs (Yellow sticker) 5p
250g Grated cheese (Yellow sticker) 5p

Total cost to feed my family of 4 tonight was 60p or 15p per person

I will be spending some money tomorrow as its a certain special little ladies birthday and I am taking her out for the day. We will be going to the build a bear workshop in Bath and I have budgeted £20 for her to build her own bear as her birthday gift (it may come to less but I will make sure it does not come to more lol). I have looked online to try and find a coupon for build a bear but was only able to find one for their online store not the actual workshop :(

Once we have finished building her present I will be taking her to see the pigeon man and the street acts that go on on the streets of Bath all free of charge (I usually throw in some loose change). We will then be going to Mcdonalds for lunch where little lady will have a Happy meal £2.49 and I will have a burger and fries £1.99 (coupon on the back of an old bus ticket) I will take my own drink with me. As eldest son does not have his course on a Friday he has kindly offered to come with us so that I don't have to pay bus fare for myself meaning transport will cost just £3.30 for little lady. So in total transport, food, entertainment, and a present for one of my special little peeps will come to £28.30 not bad at all if you ask me.

Anyway I am off to put the finishing touches to little ladies cake.

Until Next Time
Much Love
Maria xxx


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you :) I will be heading over to your blog this evening for a good old read but first I am off for a bit of yellow sticker shopping lol xxx
