Saturday, 29 October 2016


Hello Readers let me introduce myself. My name is Maria and aside from being a mummy to 3 young men I am also a frugalista (a lifestyle I am trying to encourage my sons in). I want my boys to grow up knowing that money isn't everything. That you don't need brand name clothes, the latest gadgets, posh nosh, or expensive holidays in order to lead a perfectly happy and fulfilled life. In order to prove my point I want to share my monthly budget with you .....

Monthly Budget

Rent £403
Council tax £67
Water rates £35
TV, Landline, Internet £30
Mobile £20
TV Licence £11
Electric £70
Gas £0 (we are an all electric house)
Food £160
Entertainment £20
Xmas savings £30
Gifts £10
Clothing £10
Children's Savings £45

Total £911

I have an emergency savings fund of £500 should anything go wrong in the house and need replacing or repairing. Any money I have left at the end of the month after all the bills are paid gets put into my long term savings account.

We save money here and there in so many ways that I wanted to start this blog to record it all and to show the world you can live life on a tight budget and still have fun and all your needs met. My children know that nothing in life is free and that if you want something you have to go out there and earn the money to pay for it. My eldest son is Autistic but that does not stop him sharing a weekly paper round with his 12 year old brother to top up his disability money. Eldest and middle son also run errands not just for me but for friends of mine also and get a pound or two for doing so. Youngest son who has Autism, ADHD, and suspected Epilepsy also does little chores around the house to earn money which he likes to spend on comics and stickers lol. If they want a big ticket item as middle son did a few years ago (a special gaming PC cost £349) they will ask family and friends for money instead of gifts at birthdays and Xmas. It took him 18 months but middle son worked his butt off and saved up for that PC and guess what because he had to work hard and save for it he looks after it a darn site harder than if it had just been given to him on a silver platter. I am proud of the impact my frugality has had on my children and the fact that they are all willing to work hard in order to earn the things they want. I hope you will enjoy this little blog of mine and maybe some of my hints and tips can help you slash your spending habits.

Until Next Time
Much Love
Maria xxx

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